Profitable Makers Summit Logo

15+ experts Share Their Secrets For getting traffic and sales on your own site in 2024!

Happening April 23-25 2024

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Watch the video below to learn how this FREE event will help you sell on your own site:

Saying goodbye to platforms like Etsy or Amazon takes a whole lot more than just creating a Shopify site.

You're doing all the things from product launches, to in person events, to constant social media posting, but... your business never seems to grow, your social media gets ignored, your site never gets enough views and you're relying on marketplaces to get sales.

What you really want is...

To stop relying on someone else’s platform to bring you sales

A way to stop blending in with millions of other makers

A platform that feels perfect for you, your content and your customers

To create content that stands out bringing in leads and sales

To wave goodbye to endless fees and keep more of your own profits

This is exactly what you'll experience at The Profitable Makers Summit!


Join us for the Profitable Makers Virtual Summit, to learn from 15+ traffic experts about the best traffic methods for you

Meet Your Host

Hi, I’m Andrew George! 

I’ve been hooked on making for as long as I can remember and aged 22 armed with a business degree and struggling to find work, it’s little surprise I turned making into a full time career.

I spent years struggling to get people off of my Etsy store and over to my own site, where I could make more sales, more easily interact with my customers and not fear whatever change Etsy would make next.

It wasn’t until I started helping others with their businesses that I realized just how much of a universal issue this was, it’s also when I started making connections with people who make this seem easy and I knew I had to share them with you…

Grab your ticket and join me and 14+ traffic experts for a one-of-a-kind event that will help you build your own list of raving fans.

I can’t wait to see you there!



The Profitable Makers Virtual Summit will run from 23-25 April 2024, with a variety of presentations to choose from each day.


I don't know about you, but I prefer the kind of event I don't have to get dressed or leave the house for. So, this event is entirely virtual, meaning you’ll be able to attend from anywhere in the world with internet access.

Expert Sessions

Attend presentations from our lineup of 15+ speakers with trainings on TikTok, Google Shopping, Pinterest, Manychat and More. Your free ticket includes 24-hour access to each presentation during the week of the summit.

Private Community

You’ll also have access to our private Facebook community of makers like you who are already hanging out and finding the traffic methods that work for them! This is where you’ll be able to connect with the speakers and other attendees before and during the event!

Chances To Win

You’ll also have a chance to win prizes by showing up and participating throughout the summit. Be sure to keep an eye out for your BINGO card and come hang out with us in the Facebook community for chances to win prizes including a scholarship to my signature coaching programme.

Get The VIP Treatment!

After registering, you’ll also have the chance to upgrade to the All-Access Pass which includes ongoing access to the presentations after the summit wraps up, premium bonuses from our speakers, and more! You’ll get all the details (and a special offer) after grabbing your free ticket!

You don’t need another summit teaching you how to create more products, sell more on a platform you hate, or manually do the tasks AI can do for you in minutes (what’s the point in spending hours on the perfect product description in 2024?)

Good news! That is NOT what you’re going to find at this event

The Profitable Makers Virtual Summit was specifically created for makers like you.

  • You know how to create products

  • You have an email list to gather people onto

  • You’ve built your own site on a platform like Shopify

Instead of covering Etsy SEO, how to get onto Amazon Handmade or how to outsource products when the only part of your business you enjoy is making the products, this summit is about helping you make more sales, keep more profit and spend time doing what you really love.

Meet the Speakers

Check out the incredible lineup of traffic experts you’ll learn from at The Profitable Makers Virtual Summit!

Lucy Kelly

Find YOUR People

(...the ones who can't wait to buy)!

Mel Eilers

It's all going down in the DMs!

Mae Cee

TikTok -The biz building app you've been sleeping on

How to leverage the billion-user platform to increase your bottom line

Becci McEvoy

Navigating How to be Yourself and Show Up Authentically on Social Media

Brittany Verlenich

How to Automate Email List-building on Instagram

Andrew George

Your Traffic Strategy Overview

Erin Alexander

Give Your Shop A Quick Visibility Boost

Camille Kurtenbach

Maximizing Keyword Research & Trends with Pinterest

Amanda Webb

Is Your Marketing Driving Results?

Find out using tracking links

Claire Reed

How you can run a successful Etsy store purely with SEO

Andrew George

Creating A Loyalty Scheme That Keeps Customers Coming Back

Teresa Heath-Wareing

Mastering the Art of Overcoming Self-Sabotage to Unlock Your Full Potential

Susy Cid

Understanding Organic vs. Paid Pinterest Marketing

Which one is right for your business?


Can Google Shopping Bring You More Sales For Your Handmade Business?

Helen Jane Campbell

Authentic It!

Why we don't have to fake it to make it

Emily Rochotte

SEO Blogging for Makers

How to Improve Your Searchability

Louise Mason

Maximise Marketplaces to Leverage Customer Loyalty

Laura McKenzie

The Death of Third Party Cookies

What you need to know!

Suzanne Frear

Crafting Irresistible Sales Pages

Braden Drake

Bigger Pockets: Boost Your Income


Less Work, More Impact: Reach Your Social Media Goals With Less Effort

A live demo session

Brittany Long

Presentation Title

Braden Drake

Presentation Title

Emily Rochotte

Presentation Title

Speaker Name

Presentation Title

As you can see from these amazing value-packed presentations, this is an event you do not want to miss. Click below to grab your free ticket and join us for The Profitable Makers Virtual Summit!


Small Call to Action Headline

Small Call to Action Headline


It’s time to stop giving your time and profits away to marketplaces and finally build a business on your own land.

Grab your free ticket by clicking the link below and join us for The Profitable Makers Virtual Summit!

Have Questions? We've Got Answers

How do I know whether this summit is right for me?

If you’re curious about moving away from marketplaces, this event is for you! We’ll be specifically talking to makers and focusing on how to get traffic to your site, but anyone else who wants to get started with growing their maker business is welcome to join us.

When is this event happening?

The main portion of the summit runs from 23 - 25 April 2024 with pre-party sessions happening the week of 15 April. You’ll also be able to join our private Facebook community as soon as you register, so you can join in on the fun right away!

What if I’m not able to attend live?

While most of the presentations for the summit are pre-recorded, there are some live elements, and the pre-recorded presentations are only available for 24 hours with your free ticket. So we encourage you to attend live if you can! We would love for you to set aside some time during the summit week to attend the live sessions, watch the pre-recorded presentations, and participate with others who are taking action on building their own traffic sources.However, if you’re not able to attend all of the sessions live, go ahead and grab your free ticket, and you’ll have the opportunity to upgrade to the All-Access Pass for extended access.

How long will I have access to the presentations?

Your free ticket includes 24 hour access to each of the presentations. If you need more time, you can always upgrade your ticket to the All-Access Pass after registering, which will give you extended access to the presentations along with premium bonuses from our speakers and more! 

Are the presentations live?

To avoid tech glitches, give you the best possible experience, and keep things easy for the speakers, the presentations are pre-recorded and will be released daily at 10AM EST during the summit. However, the speakers will be hanging out in our private Facebook group with dedicated threads where you can connect with them and ask your questions! There will also be opportunities to join us for bonus live events throughout the week.

Will all the speakers get my email address?

No. When you register, you’ll be added to the Andrew George email list so we can send you updates for the event and links to each day’s presentations. After the summit is over, you’ll continue to hear from us, but you can unsubscribe at any time. Each of the speakers will have free resources available that you can access by providing an email address, but the speakers will not get your email address unless you choose to give it to them specifically. That way, you only hear from the people you really love and don't have to worry about getting added to 15+ email lists that you're not interested in. You can learn more in our Privacy Policy.

Are your videos captioned or transcribed?

Yes. All presentations have closed captioning, and notes are also available for each presentation with our upgrade options that you’ll see after registering for the event.Please reach out if there’s anything we can do to ensure you’re able to enjoy this event.

I still have questions!

If you still have questions, we encourage you to go ahead and sign up. Your questions will likely be answered during the event or in the Facebook community, which you’ll be able to join right away after grabbing your free ticket. However, if you need to ask us a question before registering, feel free to send us an email at [email protected].

Grab your free ticket and join us for The Profitable Makers Virtual Summit today!